Getting kids to eat healthy during summer break – India Gate<span class="rating-result after_title mr-filter rating-result-19521">			<span class="no-rating-results-text">No ratings yet.</span>		</span>
Getting kids to eat healthy during summer break – India Gate

With summer holidays lurking round the corner, kids look forward to a much deserved break
from studies, rigid schedules, 6 am wake ups and more. But along with this, other necessities
such as eating right, regular routine and controlled TV time takes a vacation too. This can be
extremely detrimental for the overall development of a child. As parents, it is important to
ensure moderation in every aspect. Maintaining healthy eating habits, encouraging regular
exercise and ensuring adequate sleep for you little one is of prime importance. But, considering
the number of temptations and distractions this can be rather tricky.
Eating the right food is one of the most neglected aspects during holidays. Kids often tend to
opt for unhealthy junk to suffice their hunger, simply because it is more convenient, tastier and
does not take away from their fun time. Moreover the extra free time they get often
encourages unnecessary binging, especially while watching TV.
The experts at India Gate suggest certain hacks that will keep kids away from unhealthy eating
during the summer holidays:
Begin the day with a smoothie: Not only are smoothies healthy but are also perfect for the hot
days ahead. Make sure to add a spoon full of chia seeds to you child’s smoothie as it is good for
bone and teeth development, boosts immunity and is rich in protein. Chia seeds will also keep
them full for a longer time.
Mix of nuts and seeds: Before your little ones step out to play, ensure you give them a small
pouch of dried fruits and nuts to keep in their pocket. Nuts and seeds are a great snack option
as they are energizing, nutritious and filling too. Moreover they always come in handy during
short breaks and help avoid junk food temptations. Include a variety or nuts like almonds,
cashews, walnuts and pistachios along with seeds like chia seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin

Energy bars and cookies: With energy levels on a high, kids are always looking for something to
eat in between play. Homemade energy bars are always a good option. You can prepare them
using quinoa, nuts and honey. Quinoa is naturally gluten free, high in protein and iron.
Moreover, these bars are also a great option to suffice sugar cravings. Ensure you place the jar
at a convenient place so that your child can reach out for it easily.
Substitute Food: Do not stop your little one from eating rice or bread, simply replace it with
healthier options like quinoa, sprouted brown rice etc. Opt for quinoa tortillas to prepare
delicious wraps or quesadillas and use sprouted brown rice instead of white rice for your rice
Make eating fun: Kids love to be in control of things. Involve your children in the cooking
process. Let them plan their own meal, and decide which vegetables they would like to include
in their food. This will encourage them to eat their vegetables and enjoy it too.

Below are a few recipes that are healthy and can be prepared in a jiffy.

Strawberry Banana India Gate Chia Seed Smoothie
 2 Table spoon chia seeds
 2 cups frozen strawberries
 1 banana
 1 Cup  Diary Skim Fat Free Milk
 2 Table spoon India Gate chia seeds
1. Blend everything together and enjoy!
Quinoa Energy Bites
Serves: 8 persons
 1/2 cup cooked quinoa, refrigerated
 2 tbsp peanut butter
 2 tbsp desiccated coconut
 2 tbsp roasted walnut powder

 1 tbsp choco chips
 2 tbsp honey
 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
 In a bowl, mix together all the ingredients until well combined. Divide into 8 portions
and roll into balls. Place these energy bites in the freezer for 30 minutes – 1 hour.
 If you make a bigger batch, store them in an airtight container in the freezer.

Quick Lunch Quinoa Tacos
Couple of steps to make yourself some delicious home-made Quinoa Tacos. A healthy yet
appetizing meal that you can prepare with a couple of basic steps.

 Quinoa 100g
 Taco Shells 4
 Chopped Gherkins &amp; Capers 30g
 Diced Peppers 20g
 Tomato Ketchup 30g
 Chopped Parsley 20g
 Worcestershire Sauce 3 teaspoons
 Tabasco 1 teaspoons
 Lemon juice 1 teaspoons

 You start by cooking the Quinoa in stock for a couple of minutes.
 After the Quinoa stock is ready, pour into all the other cut up ingredients(Chopped gherkins and
capers 30g, diced peppers 20g, worcestershire sauce 3tspn, Tabasco 1tspn, Lemon juice 1tspn)
 Take the whole mix and stuff into the Taco shells according to how you like it.
 And for finishing touches, Pour over egg-less mayo and sprinkle chopped parsley. And your
home-made Quinoa Tacos are ready to pounce on.

Quinoa and banana smoothie

 ½ cup Quinoa rinsed and cooked
 1 cup thick curd
 ½ Cup Milk
 10 ml Honey
 ½ Banana
 Blend all the ingredients and serve chilled.

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