Healthy Eating for a Healthy Living<span class="rating-result after_title mr-filter rating-result-34096">			<span class="no-rating-results-text">No ratings yet.</span>		</span>
Healthy Eating for a Healthy Living

We all aspire to live a healthy lifestyle; eat right, exercise regularly, sleep in time etc. While we do know that good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life, following a stringent diet can be tiresome and short lived.

Following a healthy diet does not mean putting strict limitations on yourself, being unrealistically thin or starving yourself. Rather, it is about enjoying what you eat, in turn boosting your health and being fit.

The experts at India Gate guide you on how you can eat healthy without making unrealistic and short-lived adjustments to your lifestyle.

Tip #1 Go Natural

First of all, it is important to realize that eating healthy does not need to be a complicated nor does it mean keeping yourself hungry. Small changes to your food pattern can go a long way. To begin with, avoid any form of processed food, and replace it with natural food like fruits and fresh vegetables. To ensure you consume a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals, you should at least eat 2 types of fruits and 5 vegetables a day. Try to begin your day with a bowl of fresh fruits and dried fruits. You can make a healthy pudding out of it by adding chia seeds to it. Chia seeds are a great source of antioxidants, fiber and protein and contains very few calories. Moreover, its water retention quality helps keep the stomach full for a longer period of time.

Tip #2 Replace staples

We all love our staple food like rice and bread, even though we are aware that they are loaded with carbs which are difficult for the body to digest. Replacing staple food with healthier, tastier and equally filling food substitutes is a great option.  Opt for quinoa tortillas to prepare delicious wraps and quesadillas instead of bread, and use sprouted brown rice instead of white rice for your rice preparations. This way you continue to enjoy your favorite staple in a healthier way.

Tip #3 Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Water has a big role to play in your diet. Not only does it keep you hydrated it also cleans your digestive system and keeps your stomach full. As much as you can, replace sodas and other sugary drinks with water. To add flavor to your water you can add a slice of lemon, apple or fresh herbs like mint or basil.

Tip #4 Reduce your salt and sugar intake

Gradually try and reduce the salt and sugar added to your food when cooking. For sweets replace sugar with honey where ever you can while savory food can be spiced up by adding flavors like pepper, garlic, onion etc. Also ensure you have pre-prepared energy bites and snack bars, made using quinoa, nuts, seeds and honey, handy at all times. These are best to kill the in between hunger pangs. Moreover quinoa is naturally gluten free, high in protein, fiber and iron.

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